Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i breathe too hard D:

but, yay! for a sec, i felt really bad for not updating in a while. but then i took a gander at other people's blogs, and it looks like i'm not the only one! lol

i guess mid-May is just one of those busy times of the year.... i know my work's starting to pick up on business, and what's more, Finals are next week! but whatevs---that just means the semester's gonna be over soon. ...and then, i won't have any excuses whatsoever to slack off with exercise! XD

not that i had any room to slack off before. Priscilla 'n' me weighed in a Tuesday or two ago, and...i.... well, on second thought, no comment! BUT, HAY, PRISCILLA'S LOST 8 POUNDS, GAIZ. 8D

don't worry; i am reminded of my sins each training day. Priscilla's attained victory each time we've competed against each other. actually, i think i just about died last time. (no, seriously, Sham, that was 4956749056230563 squats too many for me. x_X)

and it's like, wtf, i know for a fact that you haven't been keeping up your core! and she just wins. so, that in itself is motivation. i look forward to Thursday!

on a side-note, i've come to notice how i tend to breathe a lot heavier than Priscilla during training. and if there's one thing to help me lay off the cigs, it's the fact that i do not like how i breathe a lot heavier than Priscilla during training.

yes, my only regret from smoking is the fact that it makes me embarrassed to breathe. LOL

okay, peace.


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