Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i breathe too hard D:

but, yay! for a sec, i felt really bad for not updating in a while. but then i took a gander at other people's blogs, and it looks like i'm not the only one! lol

i guess mid-May is just one of those busy times of the year.... i know my work's starting to pick up on business, and what's more, Finals are next week! but whatevs---that just means the semester's gonna be over soon. ...and then, i won't have any excuses whatsoever to slack off with exercise! XD

not that i had any room to slack off before. Priscilla 'n' me weighed in a Tuesday or two ago, and...i.... well, on second thought, no comment! BUT, HAY, PRISCILLA'S LOST 8 POUNDS, GAIZ. 8D

don't worry; i am reminded of my sins each training day. Priscilla's attained victory each time we've competed against each other. actually, i think i just about died last time. (no, seriously, Sham, that was 4956749056230563 squats too many for me. x_X)

and it's like, wtf, i know for a fact that you haven't been keeping up your core! and she just wins. so, that in itself is motivation. i look forward to Thursday!

on a side-note, i've come to notice how i tend to breathe a lot heavier than Priscilla during training. and if there's one thing to help me lay off the cigs, it's the fact that i do not like how i breathe a lot heavier than Priscilla during training.

yes, my only regret from smoking is the fact that it makes me embarrassed to breathe. LOL

okay, peace.


Sunday, April 26, 2009


long time no post :D. for me, at least. very, very long time. but, anyway~!

last Tuesday, we stepped it up with training. no, like, as in really stepped it up. as in omg i haven't been this sore since the very beginning when we first started and ow ow ow stepped it up. (well, that was after last Tuesday, at least, lol.) ^_^

and kind of excited! in an optimistic-masochistic sorta way!

because, i mean, it must mean we're improving if Sham's making our sessions more difficult, right? right.

anyway, training is fun. you know. in the same way that tests are fun. you do the bulk of the work and preparation at home, then you show up on test day and get to see what you're made of, and you get that rush of accomplishment when you're all done!

plus, Sham brings these nifty little fitness toys to training that i probably would've just tried to eat if i'd encountered them on my own.

oh! speaking of our trainer! he is a very cool dude. Sham is positive, encouraging, and totally pro at what he does. he can do handstand push-ups, never gets angry, and he's awesome at getting back to you when you try to contact him.

Priscilla's already said that she's happy she found Sham and, i must say that...i'm happy she found Sham, too! lol

(i dunno if i ever explained before, but all this pt stuff started when Priscilla posted a craigslist ad way back in January for a workout partner that i eventually ended up replying to, and i had uber-doubts about everything in the beginning, and never guessed i'd become so fond of both of them.)



Saturday, April 4, 2009

thursday was delightful <3

it was like 'wheeeee!'-delightful.

for one, it was hella nice out <3. and i'm kind of in denial about spring being here, because i like winter's coldness and lack of allergies. but on thursday, it was sunny and not hot, and breezy but not annoying, and i took some allergy meds that work a lot better than the ones i used to take.

for two, it seems i have lost another 6 pounds.

6 pounds.

6 pounds.

6 pounds <3.

so, i currently weigh a jolly 134.

...and maybe a half, too, but i forgot whether or not we decided to keep it or not, lol. i also forgot the exact numbers to the other measurements we took (inches off the waist, etc), but i do know that a lot of the numbers went down. plus, body-mass-index wise, i finally count as a normal person! simple things, really; but i was so happy~.

and relieved.

especially since i've been kinda terrible with my eating/exercise habits lately. um, oops?

after the weighing, Sham deemed the time fit that he give me a certain revelation:

apparently, these first 10 pounds are the easiest to lose.

and...that pretty much translates into 'stop jimmy-jacking around, dude, cuz the real work starts here'. oy vey.

and then, Priscilla arrived and we did training, which Sham wrapped up in the end by having us play tag, pretty much.

yeah XD. no joke. we probably looked silly, but it was a lot of fun~! i got Priscilla the first time (she had to do 10 push-ups), and then she got me the second time (i had to do 12 sit-ups), and then i got her again the third time (she had to do 12 sit-ups and 10 push-ups!).

so, yeah.


delightful <3.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

i'm quitting training.

Ever felt like one day, you can do absolutely anything? Like you can take on the world with your bare hands, no gloves, fight tooth 'n' nail, and who cares if the odds are one to a million, because you have drive, dammit.

And then in a single moment, everything crashes inwards, crumpling in on itself, in on you, trapping you, entombing you alive, and you're stuck there. Left to die in the debris.

The stronger ones can dig themselves out of heap; they start anew and rebuild, and are able to take off running headlong back in the fray. Then, there are the weak ones. There's me.

Ever since training started, I've always asked myself, "Can I do this? Can I really do this???"

Well, today, I've realized the answer. I can't do this. It's too much for me. If that means I'm weak, then I'm weak, but I can't keep doing this.

Maybe some people can, but I can't.

I can't.

I quit.



okay, first of all, yeah the frick right.

oh, wow~ *snort* i'm pretty sure this isn't what Sham wanted when he reminded us to update our blogs, but i just had to, hahaha.

i'm seriously hoping i was able to gaslight at least a couple people with that; april fools gags get trickier to pull each year, don'cha know. LOL

but, yeah. no way in hell am i quitting that easily. smack me if i do. i'm in for the long haul, guys. there's no such thing as 'impossible', just a matter of how much you're willing to commit yourself, that's all. training's probably the best choice i've made in my life. and tomorrow, i'll have real news fersure.

because tomorrow, we weigh in.



Thursday, March 19, 2009

training! FINALLY!!

the first time, training got canceled. the second time, we just decided to start fresh the following week. the third time, i missed cuz directionally-challenged XD.

but TODAY--! today, i had training! look:

(...well, that kinda looks like Sham. except he's really not that deformed; in real life, he has eyes, fingers, and a head proportional to his body 'n' stuff.)

today, there were push-ups, the use of the treadmill, and a soccer ball. much fun ( know. in a way. lol.) and pretty tough.

but Sham says i'm getting stronger. being inattentive me, i really hadn't noticed, haha. but he pointed out that i did push-ups from my toes today (well, okay, so they were from a raised surface, but still) and that i was recovering quicker from exercising now.

like, i was able to hold a conversation soon after the work-out!

apparently, this means he's gonna be changing up my at-home exercises, now, so i keep improving. because, y'know, it'd be nice if i kept improving 'n' all. just sayin' XD.

i feel like i'm forgetting to mention something else, but...i really can't remember.

so, that's all i have to share for tonight. yay for getting stronger!


(Priscilla is sad because she had to work instead of train today. D:
...she's not deformed in real life, also.)


Thursday, March 12, 2009

no training today

...well, i could've had training. but i really didn't want to go without Priscilla again, and at least Sham had a pocket of extra time today in result. so, it was another jogging night.

this time, my sister decided to tag along.

Little Sister is 5'4''/5'5'' and weighs a healthy 120 pounds, more or less. and, omg, she could not keep up. with bulky former-smoker me! she blamed cramps, but i do suspect that a big part of this pretty ironic event has to do with some certain lifestyle changes i've made. XD i'd like to thank my trainer and my partner in crime (both of whom i will fosho see Tuesday!).

but, yeah; tonight stretched around 2 'n' 1/2 miles in about 30 minutes. felt totally wiped after, but i dunno if that + core is enough to stand in for training. am considering going jogging tomorrow, too, just to be sure. :3

emphasis on "considering".

oh, and here's a pic, since everyone else seems to always include visuals with their posts:


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

y'know what'd be cool? a human-sized hamster-wheel.

training got cancelled yesterday, but Priscilla 'n' i were instructed to work out on our own still. luckily, i had work that day, so i got to rollerblade. (tho, imo, rollerbladers should never be sent to areas with that many stairways.) and i also did core. and then, went jogging in the evening.

for 20 minutes straight, i might add!

i'll admit, it was really light jogging, but that was cuz i didn't think i'd last for 5 minutes, much less 20. never would've been able to do that back in those times of darkness before Sham's training. X3

i totally felt like i could go for longer, too! alas-- i really had to pee. XD

but, yeah. i'm hoping that was enough to stand-in for training. tho i doubt it. we get our butts kicked. what i did on my own was probably more comparable to a playful grope.

i think i made up for the sourdough bread incident from Saturday night, at least. (i know D:. Gluttony is definitely my sin.)


To Sham and Priscilla: missed you guys~! see you thursday!!