Thursday, March 19, 2009

training! FINALLY!!

the first time, training got canceled. the second time, we just decided to start fresh the following week. the third time, i missed cuz directionally-challenged XD.

but TODAY--! today, i had training! look:

(...well, that kinda looks like Sham. except he's really not that deformed; in real life, he has eyes, fingers, and a head proportional to his body 'n' stuff.)

today, there were push-ups, the use of the treadmill, and a soccer ball. much fun ( know. in a way. lol.) and pretty tough.

but Sham says i'm getting stronger. being inattentive me, i really hadn't noticed, haha. but he pointed out that i did push-ups from my toes today (well, okay, so they were from a raised surface, but still) and that i was recovering quicker from exercising now.

like, i was able to hold a conversation soon after the work-out!

apparently, this means he's gonna be changing up my at-home exercises, now, so i keep improving. because, y'know, it'd be nice if i kept improving 'n' all. just sayin' XD.

i feel like i'm forgetting to mention something else, but...i really can't remember.

so, that's all i have to share for tonight. yay for getting stronger!


(Priscilla is sad because she had to work instead of train today. D:
...she's not deformed in real life, also.)


Thursday, March 12, 2009

no training today

...well, i could've had training. but i really didn't want to go without Priscilla again, and at least Sham had a pocket of extra time today in result. so, it was another jogging night.

this time, my sister decided to tag along.

Little Sister is 5'4''/5'5'' and weighs a healthy 120 pounds, more or less. and, omg, she could not keep up. with bulky former-smoker me! she blamed cramps, but i do suspect that a big part of this pretty ironic event has to do with some certain lifestyle changes i've made. XD i'd like to thank my trainer and my partner in crime (both of whom i will fosho see Tuesday!).

but, yeah; tonight stretched around 2 'n' 1/2 miles in about 30 minutes. felt totally wiped after, but i dunno if that + core is enough to stand in for training. am considering going jogging tomorrow, too, just to be sure. :3

emphasis on "considering".

oh, and here's a pic, since everyone else seems to always include visuals with their posts:


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

y'know what'd be cool? a human-sized hamster-wheel.

training got cancelled yesterday, but Priscilla 'n' i were instructed to work out on our own still. luckily, i had work that day, so i got to rollerblade. (tho, imo, rollerbladers should never be sent to areas with that many stairways.) and i also did core. and then, went jogging in the evening.

for 20 minutes straight, i might add!

i'll admit, it was really light jogging, but that was cuz i didn't think i'd last for 5 minutes, much less 20. never would've been able to do that back in those times of darkness before Sham's training. X3

i totally felt like i could go for longer, too! alas-- i really had to pee. XD

but, yeah. i'm hoping that was enough to stand-in for training. tho i doubt it. we get our butts kicked. what i did on my own was probably more comparable to a playful grope.

i think i made up for the sourdough bread incident from Saturday night, at least. (i know D:. Gluttony is definitely my sin.)


To Sham and Priscilla: missed you guys~! see you thursday!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

cookie-fasting starts NOW, dammit!

i've decided to do a cookie-fast! no cookies anymore, whatsoever. i don't care what my tongue or my stomach tell me. they lie.

the reason behind this fast: i fail at sit-ups. 'nuff said.

um...that's just about all i have to say for now. and anything i mention about training on Thursday would just repeat a post Priscilla already made. so, just to make said fitness partner giggle or something when she reads this, here's a list of Sham-quotes.

[Sham-quote (n.) : something that our trainer tends to say a lot during training.]

---The List!---

"Get that heart rate up." (also: "Keep that heart rate up!")

"Remember: perfect posture."

"Remember your checkpoints: toes pointed, gluts flexed, abs tight, shoulders back and relaxed..."

"Drive it up!"

"Keep moving, keep moving." (also: "Keep going, keep going.")

"Keep it up, keep it up!"

"Ten more, ten more..." (or: whatever number he replaces 'ten' with.)

"Give me ten more." (or: same explanation as above.)

"Fight it, fight it!"

"I know you're getting tired, but you have to keep moving!"

"Remember why you're doing this."

"That fat isn't gonna burn itself."

"You can do it."

"You're almost done! Finish strong!"

" can relax."


i swear there's more XD. i'll keep adding to it.

so, if you train with Sham, you can listen for these and play bingo in your head during training or something. ...when you're not focused on your shaking muscles or gasping for breath, that is.

you will hear them. not only when you train with Sham, but when you exercise on your own too. you'll hear their echoes o_o.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


looks like i officially have a partner in crime again! after a two week leave, Priscilla's finally turned up for training! even made a little back with a vengeance or some such post on her blog to say so.


...yeah. the very ambiguous statement of her having something up her sleeve or whatnot perplexes me.

but...whatever helps her catch up, i guess.


onto other news: today's session lasted 32 minutes, if i recall correctly. and wow, did that 32 minutes go by fast.

there were three exercises. while one of us did an exercise for 4 minutes, the other had to jog on the treadmill for the same amount of time. a lot of leg work for this session, i noticed.

i had some trouble doing the one-legged exercise. balancing just seems to kill me....

but i think i'm getting better with jogging, at least! maybe! hopefully! yeah!



Sunday, March 1, 2009

do not want huge pants.

uncle: Here, Kitty, try on these pants.
me:, thank you.
uncle: Why? They'll fit you. They're huge.

nothing better to get me to do my core for the day than an unintended insult.

on Tuesday, Sham changed up my at-home exercises a bit. y'know, to make sure i keep losing those unwanted extra pounds 'n' all.

basically, he set a bar for me to reach for the second time i'd cycle through my core, and also increased how many of the CET ones i'd do. (i still need to ask what CET stands for, now that i think about it....) and i am also no longer doing crunches; it's full-out sit-ups from here on out, son.

so, i think the most "difficult" thing about doing these exercises is getting off my lazy ass to do 'em. but usually, all i have to do is remember why i need to do them in order to get me motivated, as well as keep in mind how much nicer i feel about myself after completing said exercises. like i've worked hard to accomplish something.

truth be told, stuffing myself silly with cookies and milk makes me feel just as happy with life, but that's an empty satisfaction. i'm not working for anything, and get no benefits other than the fleeting sense of an elated mood.

...yeah, i did another cookie binge today D:. I KNOW I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH SELF CONTROL, BUT I'M WORKING ON IT, OKAY?
