Sunday, March 1, 2009

do not want huge pants.

uncle: Here, Kitty, try on these pants.
me:, thank you.
uncle: Why? They'll fit you. They're huge.

nothing better to get me to do my core for the day than an unintended insult.

on Tuesday, Sham changed up my at-home exercises a bit. y'know, to make sure i keep losing those unwanted extra pounds 'n' all.

basically, he set a bar for me to reach for the second time i'd cycle through my core, and also increased how many of the CET ones i'd do. (i still need to ask what CET stands for, now that i think about it....) and i am also no longer doing crunches; it's full-out sit-ups from here on out, son.

so, i think the most "difficult" thing about doing these exercises is getting off my lazy ass to do 'em. but usually, all i have to do is remember why i need to do them in order to get me motivated, as well as keep in mind how much nicer i feel about myself after completing said exercises. like i've worked hard to accomplish something.

truth be told, stuffing myself silly with cookies and milk makes me feel just as happy with life, but that's an empty satisfaction. i'm not working for anything, and get no benefits other than the fleeting sense of an elated mood.

...yeah, i did another cookie binge today D:. I KNOW I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH SELF CONTROL, BUT I'M WORKING ON IT, OKAY?


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