Friday, March 6, 2009

cookie-fasting starts NOW, dammit!

i've decided to do a cookie-fast! no cookies anymore, whatsoever. i don't care what my tongue or my stomach tell me. they lie.

the reason behind this fast: i fail at sit-ups. 'nuff said.

um...that's just about all i have to say for now. and anything i mention about training on Thursday would just repeat a post Priscilla already made. so, just to make said fitness partner giggle or something when she reads this, here's a list of Sham-quotes.

[Sham-quote (n.) : something that our trainer tends to say a lot during training.]

---The List!---

"Get that heart rate up." (also: "Keep that heart rate up!")

"Remember: perfect posture."

"Remember your checkpoints: toes pointed, gluts flexed, abs tight, shoulders back and relaxed..."

"Drive it up!"

"Keep moving, keep moving." (also: "Keep going, keep going.")

"Keep it up, keep it up!"

"Ten more, ten more..." (or: whatever number he replaces 'ten' with.)

"Give me ten more." (or: same explanation as above.)

"Fight it, fight it!"

"I know you're getting tired, but you have to keep moving!"

"Remember why you're doing this."

"That fat isn't gonna burn itself."

"You can do it."

"You're almost done! Finish strong!"

" can relax."


i swear there's more XD. i'll keep adding to it.

so, if you train with Sham, you can listen for these and play bingo in your head during training or something. ...when you're not focused on your shaking muscles or gasping for breath, that is.

you will hear them. not only when you train with Sham, but when you exercise on your own too. you'll hear their echoes o_o.


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