Thursday, February 26, 2009


i dedicate this entry to my workout partner who hasn't been able to come to training for the fourth time now. ;_; WHY.

so, before training, the trainer decided to inform the client that today's workout was going to be fast and intense. thank you, Sham, for raising my heart rate with anxiety alone before i even finished warming up. (lol.)

well, it was fast and intense. just not as terrible as my worst-case-scenario-conjuring mind thought it'd be. in the beginning, Sham had me do some core warm-ups. and then the hard part began.

he brought a new toy today that looked a lot like one of those rope ladders, and he laid it out on the ground.

and what i had to do was...

...well, maybe i should just skip on the description of this one.

because i know i totally fail at explaining these exercises, and i'm aware that my way of wording things has the tendency to perplex rather than enlighten.

but to put it simply, and to steal bits and pieces from what Sham told me, it involved constant movement, and was a workout for the heart, legs, and lungs.

actually, i didn't even know we were doing the actual workout. i just thought Sham was showing me what were going to do and was having me try it out for a while before i attempted the real thing. so, yeah, you could basically picture me doing the exercises and thinking, "i'm tired and we haven't even started yet; crap". silly~.

jogging on a treadmill for 23 minutes would've been less interesting and much more difficult, so this workout sat just fine with me.

but, yeah. i'm starting to think that one thing i like about Sham's training sessions is how there's something new each day. huh. i just noticed that.

when we first started, i thought we were gonna learn 2-3 workouts and cycle through them every session, but that hasn't been the case at all.

oh, you know what? the ladder-thing was yellow; that was nice <3.


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