Sunday, February 8, 2009


the first thing Sham ever taught me was how to eat right.

him, Priscilla, 'n' me sat outside the Barnes&Noble cafe, and all the information came in lecture-form. and no matter how interested you could be in a topic, it's difficult to retain all info you get via lecture, so luckily he gave me some papers that had the eating guidelines on them, as well as "Sham's Healthy Food List". (no, seriously, it's actually titled that.)

so far, i've remained pretty loyal to eating only the foods on the List. really, the main reason i ate what i used to eat was cuz it was easy to make, or it was just there. you know, stuff like top ramen, or pastaroni.... yeah, i'm craving them now. every time i think about them, actually.

but actually, i'm pretty good at staying away from them so long as they're out of my sight.

otherwise, i relapse and shit happens. like that time when i spotted a cookie package on the counter and.... well, if you could imagine the way a lion catches an antelope...yeah. pretty much. my name is Michelle-Casey and i am addicted to food, haha. i told Priscilla how Sham was gonna crucify me to a treadmill or something, but he basically just reminded me to "earn, not take". that i think about it, i ate three pancakes today. dammit.

okay, so i obviously don't have a perfect score with eating, but i'm really just proud that i've strayed so few times and haven't lied on my food log. oh, yeah, we keep a food log. it helps keep us in check.

another thing, another thing~

WATER. i have to drink 96 ounces of water per day.

...well, i'm getting there at least.

i've gotten up to 64 ounces, and i think that's something. at least, for someone who was living off Arizona Tea three weeks ago (i never even drank that much Arizona Tea in a day!). sure, maybe i'm taking too long, but i also used to think water was disgusting. and, yeah, i still have trouble drinking it, but it helps to drink it while stressed rather than reach for the nearest cookie or cigarette.

the only problem is the fact that i have to pee all the time. kinda interrupts my work, since i'll have to go up to two to three hours with no toilets nearby (when you drink this much water, you have to go ALL the time).

but on the bright side, my urine's never been clearer. ...tmi?


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