Wednesday, February 11, 2009


to anyone reading this: feel special. someone stanky as hell just sat down next to me, but i'm remaining to write in this blog.

so, we (Priscilla 'n' moi) were taught some exercises to do on our own a while back. four basic core exercises, and four CET exercises, all to be done in perfect posture. i forgot what CET stands for, but i'll be sure to ask sometime soon....

but, yeah. Sham says the goal is for us to do these exercises everyday. i'm not good with managing my time, so i've been really bad with keeping this up, but once my five-week class ends, i'll be a lot better with it.

i think the hardest thing really about these exercises is counting. i've mentioned before that i'm pretty spacey. and counting how many you can do is one thing, but counting how many you can do at the same time as counting how many seconds you hold the position for is where it gets difficult. at least for someone with a one-tracked mind (such as moi).

my favorite ones to do are the plank, and holding the wall squat. they're the easiest for me to do; i can do those without having to stop in the middle because i forgot what number i was on. these are the ones where i just start the stop watch and hold for as long as i can, and i can tune out without having to count anything. ...see? i told you i'm one-tracked.



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