Tuesday, February 24, 2009


alright, i know the past few entries, i've been pretty much babbling about things just barely related to training. BUT TODAY, I BRING REAL NEWS. I SWEAR.


wait for it.




and three percent body fat.

dsjkhadshflsdhfjksahflkadshf ksldhf kgf

after...like...a month, more or less, of starting this stuff. ...i'm gonna stop celebrating now, cuz i'm scared i might jinx myself and make it all turn out to be a mistake because the scale and the body-fat-measurer-thing both happened to malfunction or something.

if i'm beaming very garishly, it's not because of any particular reason. *dances really quickly and then stops*

there were no treadmills for training today. and it was very nice, being able to breathe for the entire session.

i had do muscle-stuff for this one. like push-ups. and squats. and other muscle-stuff. the sit-ups were switched out for me, though, cuz of a totally legit neck injury (if you really wanna get out of sit-ups, slam your head against the sidewalk, lol).

and, yeah. i had to do that. just me. cuz Priscilla wasn't there. again. cuz of her back! her BACK. i'm gonna kill that thing! except i won't because she needs it! we're hoping she'll be able to come back for Thursday. training just ain't the same, lemme tell ya.

but just training overall.... i gotta say, it's pretty---dare i??---enjoyable. fun, even.

...omg, watch. now i'm gonna die miserably next training day. D:

but, hey, it's all for the good cause. i mean...hello. results. up there. five pounds. four weeks (more or less).

at this point, if Sham asks me to jump, i'll ask "how high?" (well, no, actually, knowing me, i'll probably say something more like "do you want me to do it in a special way? you do it first to show me how and then i'll try", but you know what i'm getting at.)

alright, i'll shut up, now.



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