Thursday, February 19, 2009

this post isn't just an excuse to push those ugly pictures down the page.

i swear.

*cough* but really, i figured i should at least update on what's been going on at training for the past week.


on this day, we added the use of [insert name of work-out machine that's kinda like a cross between a stationary bike and a treadmill]! oh, but Priscilla wasn't there that day; back problems, doncha know. i trained alone (except not absolutely, cuz my trainer was there, too, being the trainer and all)....

but, yeah. i hopped on that, and did okay the first round, but got worse as the session went on. Sham says it's probably because of my lungs.

after that, i would take one end of the stretchy band thing i've mentioned in previous training sessions (the other end was tied down), and do lunges. and after alternating between legs, Sham would have me hold a lunge while punching forward with the arm opposite of the leg that i was doing the lunge with.

this part actually wasn't that bad, but i'd kinda still be wiped from using the machine from earlier, so i wouldn't call it 'easy'.

finally, i had to do some core stuff. it started out with sit-ups, but as i failed miserably with those the first round, i ended up doing planks the following ones. oh, the humility, lol.

and then we repeated the cycle, of course.

the session was finished with a cool down of stretches, and Sham had me balance on one foot in different ways. i felt like a performer; i could hear the tense drum roll and everything, haha!

i feel like i'm leaving something out, but i'm pretty sure those three things were all we did. i think i just feel like i'm missing something, since we had four different exercises today (Thursday).


today, we used the treadmill! w00t! and my lungs were giving me grief once more. those silly things.... i kept dreading that i was gonna fall off XD. you know, cuz i'm stubborn and unintelligent, and possiblyprobably wouldn't have hit that giant red "emergency stop!" button at the crucial moment of need.

following the treadmill, i had to...uh...pull weights. except differently than the the other times i've done it. we used a different thing. this one, the motion was more horizontal. the other one from the past was vertical. (and thus, the statement of my lack of intelligence is proved.)

this one shouldn't have taken me as long as it did, but since i'd still be REALLY winded from the treadmill, i felt a lot weaker.

the little green weight came back for the third exercise. squatting and then driving the weight straight up. i was pretty worried about this one; the last time i did this exercise, i was slow and struggled quite a bit with it. and now, the seat was lower. but this might've been the easiest of the four. no, scratch that. the green weight felt heavier with each round.

it was the fourth exercise that was the easiest. ( "easy" as things can get in training, at least.) again, i worried, since i don't feel too confident with squats. basically, i had to squat, and then lift the stretchy (tied-down) band up, but lift it to the side. and alternate between sides. twenty of those.

then, back on the treadmill. though, actually, for one round, i used the other machine (the cross between a bike and a treadmill). yeah, the treadmill was definitely what made this session, lemme tell ya. these funny lungs of mine.... that's what i get for smoking.

Sham said that the damage to my lungs is irreversible and that it just means i'll be working twice as hard as a non-smoker. oh, joy!!! XD

but, you know, i feel like my lungs are better now than they used to be. i feel like i can breathe deeper now. (plus, doing so doesn't hurt anymore!)

whoa. sorry it was so lengthy, but this entry is officially done now.



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