Saturday, February 21, 2009

oh, no... D:

last night = unhealthiest night EVAR. yeah, not just "ever". evAR!!!

i ate a burger and fries last night. GAHHHhh.... and, okay, some people might say, "oh, that's not too bad", but i know my body and i know...that it will do very bad things with that burger and fries! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MEASURE IN ON TUESDAY. NOOOOOO......!!!!

long-winded excuse reason: unexpected trip to the ER after work left me without food for eight hours, until my cousin came along and dropped the fast food meal by me, saying that it was better than nothing, and that was true enough, and at least i had water with it instead of soda.... but then that night, i had to wake up every two hours to check my aunt's blood sugar, and since it always takes me about an hour to fall asleep, i had---more or less---four total hours of sleep last night.

yerrrgh x___X;;;.... yeah, last night was crazy times.

definitely need to go on a jog. isn't it funny how paranoid i am now? you are free to lock me up in a mental institute if i ever start saying things like "I CAN FEEL MY FAT GROWING THICKER AROUND MEEEEheeee...".

my aunt's just fine, though~.


1 comment:

  1. What? We're weighing in on Tuesday? At least I have a dr's note LOL!!
