Saturday, February 7, 2009

okay, then...

hello! my full first name is Michelle-Casey, i have a tendency to ignore the 'shift' key, and i'm gonna lose weight (with the help of Sham, of course. he's my trainer.)!

i'm starting this blog kinda late, though. i'm about two weeks into this training-thing. i call it the 'pt'. because i needed a code name for it so i could speak of it in public without giving away what it is since many of the people i'm surrounded by would not approve. and 'pt' could stand for 'physical training' or my 'part-time' job, cuz it's believable that i could lose weight thanks to my work. ...JUST ADMIT IT'S CLEVER.

anyway, i was talking with Priscilla (my partner in crime a.k.a. weight loss...which actually isn't a crime at all), and she was saying how she felt like the laziest client ever since she didn't have a blog.

and that got me to thinking, "well, at least YOU put up a craigslist ad and got me to take the bite and start this fitness stuff." which led to me pondering on what i've done as a walking billboard for Sham. which led to me realizing that i've done nothing. except asked a few friends who responded negatively.

and suddenly, i felt lazy, too! MORE lazy!! GASP. so here i am, not being lazy, and writing a blog about my experience with this pt.

that said, tune in from time to time to catch if i updated, and watch me struggle. because struggle is interesting. my old art teacher says so.


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